How to fix a wet basement? An ultimate guide for basement waterproofing!

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A wet basement can cause a ton of unwanted problems for the homeowners, to say the least. A wet basement not only feels and smells bad, but it also puts your home’s value in jeopardy. Basement dampness, if left untreated, can harm floors and walls, encourage mold, and even damage roofing. Clearing gutters and moving gutter water away from the foundation can help to cure certain moist basements. However, if the problem is caused by other factors, such as water moving toward the house on the surface, soaking in from underground, or backing up through public drainage ditches, you will need to take more drastic measures. This issue calls for solid waterproofing and foundation repairs done by professionals.

Before going forward with the solutions, let us first understand what causes a wet basement.

What are the common causes of a wet basement?

Does your basement smell damp and the cardboard boxes that you have stored in there are soaked with moisture and now smell nasty? It is a common sign that your basement is wet, and you sure need basement waterproofing as soon as possible to stop further damage. Here are some most common reasons why you are experiencing a wet basement issue.

1. Inadequate drainage and gutter system:

One of the most common causes of foundation deterioration is faulty drainage and gutter systems. Overfilled gutters, underwater slopes, and poorly directed groundwater can cause water to accumulate around your home’s foundation during heavy and continuous rainfalls. The pooled water can put pressure on the foundation walls, causing cracks in the walls. A foundation repair expert can help you deal with this issue in no time at all.

2. Foundation and Wall Cracks

Soil moisture can seep into your basement via fractures in your foundation’s floor or walls, roof trusses, and brick wall mortar joints.

3. Plumbing Leaks

Basement water damage is commonly caused by old tank water heaters, rubber supply hoses, frozen water lines, and damaged pipes. If you discover water stains on your ceilings or drywall and believe the culprit is defective plumbing, you should contact a trusted basement leak repair professional to address the issue.

4. Window Wells: 

Your window wells can hold more water and leak into your basement if they aren’t fitted and sealed properly. Examine your basement windows for water stains and efflorescence markings to see if they’re the source of the problem.

5. Overflowing Toilets, Floor Drains, and Tubs

If the situation isn’t handled swiftly, broken toilets, rambunctious children, and forgotten faucets can all result in costly repairs. A moist basement is frequently caused by overflowing fixtures.

Tips to fix a wet basement and keep it dry

Now that we have learned what causes a wet basement, let us also look at the ways through which we can eradicate the issue. Guardian Foundation Repair offers the best basement foundation repair services so that you don’t have to worry about a leaking basement anymore.

Have a look at the below tips to keep your basement waterproof and dry:

1. Plug Gaps around Pipes and Openings

If water is dripping into the basement from cracks or gaps around plumbing lines, you can use hydraulic cement or polyurethane caulk to seal the breaches. When the problem is just a hole through which water oozes, such as from surface runoff or damp soil, plugs work. However, if the water is rising through the floor or the seam where the floor and walls meet, the problem lies in groundwater, and the plugs won’t do the trick. Get wet basement repair services at minimal cost to spare yourself the extra trouble.

2. Waterproofing the Walls

Installing an interior drainage system removes the water but does not make the walls waterproof. You will need an outside system for that, which includes a French drain to relieve hydrostatic pressure and exterior waterproofing to safeguard the foundation. It is a major task that necessitates excavation around the house, but if you have a foundation with several gaps, it might be the best option for basement wall repair. Make the right choice by contacting a trusted foundation repair service to choose between interior and exterior waterproofing for your basement walls.  

3. Pump the Water Out

You’ll have to channel subsurface water from the inside if you can’t keep it out. An interior system, which starts at a reasonable rate, is the best and least disruptive option in an unfinished basement with easy access. It’s also an excellent option, especially if you have mature vegetation in your yard that would be destroyed if you dug an external drainage system.

4. Install Gutter Extensions

If your downspouts are dumping water less than 5 feet from your house, use plastic or metal gutter extensions to direct the water further out. Extensions, on the other hand, aren’t the most attractive or practical long-term option, especially if you’re prone to tripping over them or running over them with a lawnmower. The permanent, subterranean drainpipe is virtually undetectable and capable of transporting massive amounts of gutter runoffs away from your basement.

5. Restoring the Crown

The surface water is not draining away from the house as it should if the gutter holes still drip water into your basement or seep from the foundation walls. To avoid such drainage issues It is vital that your home be built on a “crown” of soil that slopes at least 6 inches in all directions for the first 10 feet. Contact your foundation repair expert for the best advice on how to best store the crown.

6. Direct Water Away from the Basement

If the soil around your house slopes towards your foundation, there’s a good chance that rain or even runoff from your sprinkler system will cause your basement to leak. Regrade your yard to slope down and away from your house if at all possible. Water will naturally flow away from your foundation as a result of this. Install a curtain drain to redirect water that is going underground toward your house if you don’t have working footing drains. Curtain drains are a sort of French drain that consists of a shallow trench filled with gravel and perforated piping that intercepts water upstream of your property and carries it down the slope a safe distance away. Get an estimate today for fixing your wet basement.


Most homes have a basement problem and if you keep ignoring them it may cause serious trouble for you in the future. The issues mentioned above can put the house’s foundation in jeopardy. Consider investing in foundation repair services by contacting Guardian Foundation Repair. We are even available for any emergency services!

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